Implement the function getBMICategory(bmi) in helper.js. It should accept a single parameter bmi and
return the string representation of the body mass index category based on the following rules:

  • Underweight = 18.5 or less
  • Normal weight = greater than 18.5 and less than 25
  • Overweight = starting at 25 and less than 30
  • Obesity = 30 or greater

This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post
Feel free to help others if you’ve already solved the task


export const getBMICategory = (bmi) => {
  return 'Underweight';


 * Implement the function `getBMICategory(bmi)` in helper.js. It should accept a single parameter `bmi` and
 * return the string representation of the body mass index category based on the following rules:
 * - **Underweight** = 18.5 or less
 * - **Normal weight** = greater than 18.5 and less than 25
 * - **Overweight** = starting at 25 and less than 30
 * - **Obesity** = 30 or greater
 * */

import { getBMICategory } from './helper.js';

console.log(getBMICategory(10));    // Underweight
console.log(getBMICategory(20));    // Normal weight
console.log(getBMICategory(40));    // Obesity