Now let’s style the comment block.
The background color of .comments-section
should be #E4ECEE
, and the top padding is 50px
, the bottom one is 32px
The .one-column
element must have one column.
The element .columns-view
must initially have three columns, the spacing between columns and rows is 32px
The font size of the header h2
of the .comments-section
section must be 64px
The text in the title must be centered.
The background of each comment card must be #ffffff
Also, the corners of each card should be rounded by 5px
The padding inside the card is 32px
. Well, the cards should become a flex column.
The free space between the elements of the card must be the same.
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course.
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post.
Feel free to help others if you’ve already solved the task.