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Task #2183 - Tags

index.html file contains a list of tags that describes the skills of the developer. The first tag is the most important - let鈥檚 highlight it with #78B3AB background. Use the appropriate pseudo-class (not :nth-child)....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2184 - First - Second - First - Second

The index.html file contains a list of US cities. The text color of each odd list item must be #white. The text color of every even list item must be #38287F....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2185 - Weekend

A calendar for March has been created in index.html. Every 7th day is Sunday. It should be marked with a red background in the calendar. Use the correct pseudo-class for the class ....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2191 - Block display

There are three <div> blocks in the index.html file. For some reason, all three fit in one line, although the new one should be wrapped. There must be something wrong with the display property, fix it....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2192 - Inline elements

Your colleague gave the <span> element a width of 200px. But <span> is an inline element and cannot be given a width. Change the display of the <span> element so that it continues to be in the text and the width property works....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2193 - Hide me

We received urgent edits from the designer - we need to temporarily hide the second paragraph. Use the display property for this, specify styles using the hidden identifier. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course...

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2194 - Box model

Your colleague specified the <div> block to be 100vw width. He expected the block to be exactly as wide as the viewport. He also added padding and border to the block....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2201 - Flex-泻芯薪褌械泄薪械褉

We need to add a flex module to the page. A block with class container should become a flex container. Elements must be distributed with the same distance between them....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2202 - Aligning elements

Let鈥檚 align the elements a bit. A block with class container must be a flex container. Items inside a flex container should be vertically centered. Items must be horizontally aligned with the same spacing between them and the edges of the container....

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Task #2203 - Duration

Let鈥檚 try displaying the duration with flex. Make the block with class container a flex container. Allocate free space among all flex items. The first should be given only 1 unit, the second twice as much, the third 6...

August 15, 2020 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master