Task #2455 - Newsletter
Let鈥檚 get the mail from the user, the question is Please, enter your email. If the mail contains the @ symbol, check with the user if he wants to receive the newsletter....
Let鈥檚 get the mail from the user, the question is Please, enter your email. If the mail contains the @ symbol, check with the user if he wants to receive the newsletter....
The task is very simple - you need to display a list of all div elements in the console. Use the method of retrieving items by tag name for this....
Let鈥檚 print to the console all the items with the item class item that are inside the car block. Use methods to get elements by identifier and class for this....
Your colleague has asked you for help. He wants to get two lists. The first list is a list of items with the title of books from the BBC The Big Read....
You need to print to the console all elements whose id begins with art. Use the internal script. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
There are 4 images added to the document. Not all of them have a title attribute. Write an internal script that checks if images have this attribute. If it does not exist, add it with a value equal to the alt attribute of the image....
You need to add a text node to the existing paragraph using JS. The text should be as follows - Hello, dear user. Use the internal script. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course...
Our list is missing a title. Let鈥檚 add one with the script. The title must be an h3 element with the Browsers inner text. It should appear immediately before the ul tag....
The document contains a list of years, but some of them are repeated. We need to write a script that leaves only unique elements by removing duplicates. The order of the items in the list must be preserved....
Let鈥檚 ask the users for their name and age. The first question should be What is your name?. The second question should be How old are you?. If at least one field is empty, or age is not a number,...