A “Hello, World!” program is a simple computer program that outputs or displays the message “Hello, World!” on a screen or console. It is often used to introduce beginners to a new programming language or environment, as it demonstrates how to create a simple program and display output....
In JavaScript, there are two types of functions: regular functions and arrow functions. They are similar from the logical point of view, but there are important syntactical and technical differences....
Strictly typed programming languages are languages that require you to specify the data type of a variable when declaring it. This means that you can only assign values of the specified data type to the variable, and attempting to assign a value of a different data type will result in an error....
In JavaScript, the bind method allows you to create a new function that has its this value set to a specific object. This can be useful when you want to pass a function as a callback or argument to another function, but you want to preserve the value of this from the original function....