Implement the function getObjectKeys.
It should return an array of strings that represent all keys of the object
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Implement the function isIdentical in helper.js
It should take two objects and return a boolean value that tells if the fields of the objects are the same.
Objects will only have plain fields (strings, numbers or booleans)...
Change the text of the <h1> header.
It should become In 3 months I will become a JS developer!
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Each article should have a heading
Add level 2 heading to the article about London
This heading should contain further text: ‘London is the capital of Great Britain’
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course...
Time to get to know you better.
Add one more paragraph where you can tell a little about yourself
Add lever 3 header with your name at the beginning
Feel free to add any text you like...
In the file index.html you will find some material to revise.
You need to improve the readability of the text a little.
Add a horizontal separator line after each paragraph except the last one...
Make all text in index.html bold using the <b> tag
Don’t change the content
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Make all text in index.html italic
Don’t change the content
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Make all text in index.html both italic and bold using the tags <i> and <b>
Don’t change the content
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Add two nested paragraphs to each
You can write any text to your own blog.
This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...