Styling the navigation. nav and .main-menu should be flex containers.
Within a nav, children must be vertically centered.
The left indentation of .main-menu must be zero; list items must have no bullets....
Let鈥檚 add a div.header-btn element just after the
This item must be a flex container.
Inside the div.header-btn add one link with the class download-btn; the link should lead to the #download block....
Let鈥檚 go to the main block - add the main tag right after the header.
The main block will consist of several sections. The first is section.banner-section.
Inside each section we will add a div....
Styles again!
The background color of the .banner-section should be #E4ECEE, the padding should be 25px 24px 0 24px.
All further .row elements must be grid containers.
Initially, all lines must have two identical columns....
Let鈥檚 add a second section inside main. The second section should have a class description-section.
The rest of the structure (.container, .row, .column) is the same as in the first section....
One script has already been added to index.html that displays the message This is the second message.
You need to add one more script in which the message should be displayed in the console: This is the first message....
Your colleague has added an external script that compliments the internal one.
The problem is that something鈥檚 off and there鈥檚 an error in the console.
Function isLoaded should remain where it is and should be called from the external script....
You should know, who your users are.
Lets ask them to enter their name. The question should be - What is your name?.
If user has entered something - log this string to the console....
Let鈥檚 write a script that checks the number entered by the user for a match.
The message to enter must be Enter number, initial value is 100
If the user did not enter a number, you need to show the alert modal with the text: Not a number....
Let鈥檚 get the mail from the user, the question is Please, enter your email.
If the mail contains the @ symbol, check with the user if he wants to receive the newsletter....