Task #3512 - Circles
Add two more circles to the line. They should be styled in the same way as the first two. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Add two more circles to the line. They should be styled in the same way as the first two. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
In the file App.js, the component must return a column of three blocks. The column should fill the entire screen - the flex property should be 1. The first block of the column should have blue background, the second one - green, and the third - yellow....
Let鈥檚 practice some styling in React Native. Elements within each styles.row element must be placed on a line, not a column. All calendar cells must be the same size with 5px margins and 10px padding....
Let鈥檚 work on the layout of the screen. The screen should have three lines, all of the same height. The second line should have two columns - the second should be twice as wide as the first....
Two blocks - green and red - have sizes indicated. However, these two boxes are completely hidden. An error is made - the size of the parent component is not specified....
The <App /> component consists of three blocks. Each already has its own color and width. For some reason, these blocks are not displayed. This is most likely due to the fact that neither a height nor a flex property is specified....
The structure of the stairs is already ready. All that remains is to specify the width of the steps. The width of the bottom step must be the same as the width of the screen....
We need to prepare the bottom navigation markup. Inside a View with styles style.navbar, add four Image elements. These images will be our navigation buttons. Each image must be 40px high and 60px wide....
Add the image https://learn.coderslang.com/lecture-background-image.jpg inside the top-level View container. The image must be in the middle of its container. Image width must be 80% of screen width. The image should be displayed in its entirety in the original aspect ratio....
Your colleague forgot to add a text input handler for the field. Use the onChangeText property. The value entered by the user must be stored in the name variable and displayed in the input....