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How to center a button in HTML

There exist many ways to center a button on a web page. Here are few easy ways you can learn and master in less time. You can center align the texts in the parent container....

June 21, 2021 路 3 min 路 Coderslang Master

What is <br> in HTML and how to use it

Often you want to display texts with frequent line breaks, such as addresses, poems, etc on websites. The HTML element <br> provides an easy way to break lines on web pages....

June 18, 2021 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master

Which CSS property is used to make the text italic

You can italicize a text using the CSS property, font-style. This property sets the texts to other styles too such as normal and oblique. The default value for the CSS property, font-style is normal for every text....

June 17, 2021 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles

The HTML style attribute allows you to add inline CSS styles to your HTML tags. A coding sample This example makes use of the HTML style attribute for the following style changes:...

June 16, 2021 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

What is the Correct HTML for inserting a background image

You can use the CSS property, background-image to set background images for your HTML web pages. This CSS property background-image sets one or many background images on a web page. By default, the images appear at the top left corner of the web page....

June 15, 2021 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master

How to make a checkbox in HTML

You can use the HTML input tag to create a checkbox. The HTML input tag displays a checkbox when you set the type attribute with the value, "checkbox". If you鈥檝e been searching for what is the correct HTML for making a Checkbox, look no further....

June 13, 2021 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master

Which CSS Property Controls the Text Size

You can use the CSS property, font-size to set or change the text size on your website. The text visibility on a website is one such factor that contributes to a good user experience....

June 12, 2021 路 7 min 路 Coderslang Master

How I Got 1000 Followers on DEV

I just hit my first significant milestone by getting 1000 followers on dev.to and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Now, I want to share my experience starting from the day I鈥檝e created an account....

June 11, 2021 路 4 min 路 Coderslang Master

What does <span> do in HTML

The span element in HTML is used to group inline-elements in a document. The span element does not provide any visual representation of itself on a page, and is therefore often used to apply CSS styles or other attributes to a group of elements without changing the appearance of the individual elements....

November 6, 2022 路 5 min 路 Coderslang Master

How to Center a Button in CSS and HTML

Making the button center can sometimes be tricky as there are numerous ways to achieve it using CSS. Here are the 3 options that you can use right now to center the button....

June 5, 2021 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master