Task #1063 - Concatenate arrays unique
Implement the function concatenateArraysUnique in helper.js It should return a new array that has the second array “glued” to the end of the first one. There should be no duplicates in the result....
Implement the function concatenateArraysUnique in helper.js It should return a new array that has the second array “glued” to the end of the first one. There should be no duplicates in the result....
Implement a function factorial in helper.js that returns a factorial of a certain number. Factorial of a number is a product of all positive integers below it. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course...
Implement a function hasUpperCaseLetters that checks if there are any upperCase letters in a string. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Implement a function slowLog that takes a string and prints it to the console after a 3 sec delay Use console.log and setTimeout This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course...
Implement a function isPalindrome that checks if the string is a palindrome A palindrome is a string that reads the same way even if reverted. isPalindrome(‘abba’) // true isPalindrome(‘baba’ // false...
Implement a function revertMe that reverts a string. This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post...
Implement the function formatNumber. It’s essentially the same function that you’ve implemented in the end of the Gold Mine game. The difference is that here we want to handle really large numbers....
We’ll implement the backend that will serve the config for the gold mining game. Our backend will be built on Express.js, so let’s install it with npm install --save express first....
On this stage, let’s fill all the remaining fields at once. chitChat array is used to display messages in a sort of ‘news ticker’: message: a message that will be pushed to the ticker when the condition is met condition: an object that defines the condition when the message should start displaying in the ticker....
WOW! That’s an awesome job! The CONFIG is ready! Now we’ll add a logger middleware to our express server to see which requests are coming in. Install the npm module morgan and use it according to the instructions...