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How to update Node.js

In the past, updating Node.js was not straightforward as you had to install third-party software and run command lines which can be confusing and introduce bugs to your projects. Nowadays, It鈥檚 easy to update Node....

August 9, 2021 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

JSON Tutorial for JavaScript and Node.js

One of the most popular formats for exchanging data between backend and frontend is JSON which stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is very similar to what regular JavaScript objects look like, but it also has its own quirks....

March 5, 2021 路 4 min 路 Coderslang Master

Node.js, Express Middleware and External Access

Great, we already have a production server and have done some tasks to better understand how it works. Now let鈥檚 take a look at middleware - one of the most important concepts of Express....

March 4, 2021 路 4 min 路 Coderslang Master

Create your first Node.js server with Express backend

In the last lecture, you saw the server-side analogy of the Hello, world that you wrote as your first task in VSCode. Our program was able to process the request and return a response, which was displayed by the browser....

March 3, 2021 路 3 min 路 Coderslang Master

What is rimraf and how to use it in Node.js

The rimraf command is an alternative to the Linux command rm -rf. It allows you to do deep recursive deletion of files and folders. Global rimraf installation You can install rimraf globally using npm....

February 8, 2021 路 1 min 路 Coderslang Master

How to fix the error `require is not defined` in Node.js

Today I started writing a new project on Node.js and got this error on the very first run: const express = require('express'); ^ ReferenceError: require is not defined at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:152:23) at async Loader....

February 2, 2021 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master

How to import and use npm modules

Open source Node modules are very powerful as you can instantly get access to the functionality that you鈥檇 otherwise have to write yourself. Learn how to import the module once you鈥檝e installed it. ...

November 19, 2020 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master

How to find and install open-source npm packages

Node package manager or npm was first released in 2010. In 2020, it includes around 500k open-source modules to enhance the functionality of your Node.js applications. ...

November 18, 2020 路 2 min 路 Coderslang Master