A JavaScript confirm function is a convenient way to display the confirmation box with the “OK” and “Cancel” options and capture user’s response. Let’s see how it’s done.

To display the confirmation dialog with JavaScript, you can call the function confirm passing in your question as a first argument.

confirm("Press OK to confirm");

The window confirm function returns boolean, which describes user’s response. Let’s create a variable, capture the response of the user and log it to the console.

let isConfirmed = confirm("Press OK to confirm");


You can also create a button that displays the confirmation modal once clicked.

  	function ask() {
    	let isConfirmed = confirm("Press OK to confirm");
  <button onClick="ask()">

In the example above I’ve added a few new things:

  1. I wrapped the confirmation code into a function ask
  2. I’ve created a button with the text Confirm?
  3. I’ve set the function ask to be the onClick handler for the confirmation button