The copyright symbol is a special character that is used to indicate that a work is copyrighted. Copyright symbols are typically placed on works that are published, such as books, websites, and art.

When a work is copyrighted, it means that the creator of the work has certain exclusive rights to the work. These rights include the right to reproduce the work, distribute copies of the work, and create derivative works based on the original.

Copyright symbols are usually placed on works that are publicly available, such as websites or books. This allows people to know that the work is protected by copyright law and cannot be reproduced without permission from the copyright holder.

There are a few different ways to create a copyright symbol. The most common way is to use the © character. This can be done by typing © in your HTML code or by using the © entity.

Another way to create a copyright symbol is to use the character. This can be done by typing in your HTML code or by using the entity.

Finally, you can also create a copyright symbol by using the character. This can be done by typing in your HTML code or by using the &trade entity.