Web3 is a third generation of web technologies (following Web 2.0 and Web 1.0). It is characterized by the use of advanced web technologies to create rich user experiences and enable real-time communication. These include technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX and WebSockets.

Web3 also applies new concepts such as Semantic Web, Linked Data and Social Web to the web architecture. The goal of Web3 is to make the web more useful, accessible and intelligent.

The term “Web 3.0” was first coined by John Markoff in 2006, in an article about then-new innovations in the search engine industry. In this article, he described how these new search engines were different from traditional ones: they were not only about finding information, but also about understanding it and making connections between different pieces of information (what we now call “Semantic Search”).

There are many reasons why Web3 is so popular. One reason is that it enables real-time communication, which is essential for applications such as online gaming, video conferencing and social networking. Another reason is that it makes the web more useful and accessible by applying new concepts such as Semantic Web and Linked Data. Finally, Web3 technologies are constantly evolving, which means that there are always new and exciting things to explore.

Which programming language to use for Web3?

There is no one specific programming language that is used for Web3. However, popular choices include Python and JavaScript.

How to become a Web3 developer?

There is no one specific path to becoming a Web3 developer. However, it is generally recommended that you start by learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Once you have a good understanding of these technologies, you can then start exploring more advanced concepts such as Semantic Web and Linked Data.

Web3 can be viewed as a software library that allows programs to interact with a decentralized network. It provides an API for developers to access the underlying data and functionality of the network.

The most well-known decentralized network is the Ethereum blockchain, which supports a variety of distributed applications (dapps). However, there are other networks that are being developed, such as EOS and Polkadot. Web3 aims to provide a unified interface for all these different networks.

One of the key features of Web3 is that it allows users to interact with dapps without needing to trust the developers. This is because dapps run on a decentralized network, which means that they are not controlled by any single entity. Instead, they are run by a group of nodes (computers) spread across the globe.

Data privacy in Web3

Web3 also enables users to hold and manage their own data. This is in contrast to traditional web applications, which typically store user data on central servers controlled by the developers. With Web3, users have full control over their data and can choose who has access to it.

Lastly, Web3 enables developers to create new types of applications that were not possible before. For example, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are organizations that can be run entirely on a blockchain without any human involvement. This could potentially revolutionize how businesses are organized and operated in the future.