Fix the constants to make sure that correct messages are logged to the screen.

  • stringWithNewline should be printed on a single line and display \n on the screen
  • inside of the stringWithQuotes each word should be wrapped in single quotes
  • stringWithEmojis should display emojis properly in the beginning and the end

This task is part of the Full-Stack JavaScript Course
If you have any issues with it, you can ask for community help below the post
Feel free to help others if you’ve already solved the task


export const stringWithNewline = 'This string should display the \n symbol when printed on the screen.';
export const stringWithQuotes = 'This string should have each its word wrapped in single quotes';
export const stringWithEmojis = 'u274C I want to add emojis here, but it doesn\'t work... u { 1F622 }';


 * Fix the constants to make sure that correct messages are logged to the screen
 * */

import { stringWithEmojis, stringWithNewline, stringWithQuotes } from './constants.js';
